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Saturday, October 26, 8:00 AM

8:00 AM - Breakfast for all guests
9:00 AM - Speaker 1: Arthur Henry - Mad Hedge Technology Letter editor Arthur Henry gives the 30,000-foot view on investing in technology stocks
10:00 AM - Speaker 2: TBA
11:00 AM - Speaker 3: John Thomas - An all-asset class global view for the
year ahead
12:00 PM - Lunch
1:30 PM - Speaker 4: Arthur Henry - Mad Hedge Technology Letter editor
on the five best technology stocks to buy today
2:30 PM - Speaker 5: TBA
3:30 PM - Speaker 6: John Thomas
4:30 PM Adjourn to the bar with a spectacular Lake Tahoe view
7:00 PM - Exclusive dinner with John Thomas for 12 in a private room at a five-star hotel for Platinum or Diamond ticket holders only!

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