Come join me in the grand appointments of the Cunard Line’s flagship, the elegant and spacious Queen Mary II, on an eastbound transatlantic cruise.
Cunard’s Black Friday sales are on, so you can participate in my Seminar at Sea at a nice discount. Reductions in prices, deposit amounts, and free onboard spending credits are offered by clicking here.
The ship departs New York at 12:00 AM on July 7, 2023 and arrives at Southampton on July 14. The Cunard cruise number is M319. There I will be conducting the Mad Hedge Fund Trader’s Strategy Update, a three-hour discussion on the global financial markets.
I mention this now because Cunard usually offers great sale prices during Thanksgiving week.
I’ll be giving you my up-to-date view on stocks, bonds, currencies, commodities, precious metals, energy, and real estate. I’ll highlight the best long and short opportunities. And to keep you in suspense, I’ll be tossing a few surprises out there too. Enough charts, tables, graphs, and statistics will be thrown at you to keep your ears ringing for a week. Tickets are available for $399 for the seminar only.
Attendees will be responsible for booking their own cabins through Cunard. They offer everything from an inside stateroom from $1,279 per person to $26,780 per person for Q1 deluxe two-bedroom apartment with its own gym.
Just visit their website (click here) or call them directly at 800-528-6273 to make your own arrangements.
The weather this time of year can range from balmy to tempestuous, depending on our luck. A brisk walk three times around the boat deck adds up to a mile. To follow the markets, full internet access will be available for a fee.
Every dinner during the voyage will be black tie, so you might want to stop at Saks Fifth Avenue in Manhattan to get fitted for a second and third tux. Don’t forget to bring your Dramamine and sea legs, although the 151,400-tonne 1,132-foot long $900 million ship is so big, I doubt you’ll need them.
The event will be held at a luxurious penthouse suite, the details of which will be emailed to you just prior to departure. To instill in us all a proper sense of humility, I will conduct the seminar as we sail over the wreck of the Titanic. The ship will give a blast of its horn three times as a salute as we pass the site.
At the moment, Cunard’s Covid protocols require a negative PCR test 48 hours before boarding. Please bring your Covid card.
Customers are required to book their own cabins and return flights from England. Again, the Cunard cruise number is M319.
To book the Cunard portion of the cruise, please click here.
To purchase tickets for this seminar alone, please click here.
I look forward to meeting you, and thank you for supporting my research.